Ankush Singh Gandhi

I can provide cross platform solutions for your buisness.

Also I'm a Software Developer, who is interested in communities, hackathons and learning new tech.

Open-Source Enthu|





Glad to see you here! I'm a Software Developer and Flutter enthusiast based in India.

Aside from that, I write blogs about different technologies like Flutter & LINUX because knowledge not shared is knowledge wasted. In addition, I enjoy documenting my journeys in both technology and other areas of life. My goal has been to assist the student community in navigating their professional journeys while also building my own personal brand. If you have any questions about tech that I can help you with, I'm pleased to assist you.


I've always believed in giving back to the tech community, with a special emphasis on developing and supporting chances for people looking to begin a career in technology through diversity and inclusion programmes. This began with mentoring and presenting workshops in collaboration with tech for various Organizations, and progressed to the creation of the CodeVisors Community.

Youtube Channel

And Tech Xtreme is my YouTube channel dedicated to learnings of all domains without any hassle and problem. I will be posting content about Flutter, software development, data science, etc.

I started my channel in 2016 while still in school, doing videos about Android and its customizations, and subsequently making a few custom ROMs for Samsung phones. Vibrance UX was the most popular ROM, with over 60k downloads. You may look it up on Google or YouTube; there are numerous videos about it.

Looking to chat? Feel free to DM me on Twitter - the fastest way to reach out to me!

Currently seeking full-time opportunities!
View My Resume



Ankush Singh Gandhi

Arushi Kataria


DevOps Engineer

Ankush is a great open source software person. He has the enthusiasm to spread the OSS love to everywhere. Other than actively mentoring people, he's doing great work following up what's going on with the open source software programs and helping people to apply the programs in an efficient way.

Ankush Singh Gandhi

Pankaj Kanyal


Student at Chandigarh university

Ankush is one of the highly talented individuals I have ever met with. He is moved by really powerful motivations in life and is highly talented in the Computer science field. He does his works correctly and also motivates people who ask him for advice in life. Glad I met him, He is one of the best people out there with an outstanding attitude and talent.

Ankush Singh Gandhi

Ankit Ojha


Student at Poornima Collage

I have worked with Ankush in several academic micro-projects. He was a Team leader and always motivated his team to think creatively. He surpassed my fear of working in the group project and helped me become a good and responsible team player.




Bash Scripting



















Secure Chat App

A hybrid chat app made with Flutter and Firebase with End to End AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) method using Firebase.

Live Streaming App

A live streaming app that allows you to stream with friends and be able to control their audio, video, and whether they are visible overall.

Pomodoro Chrome Extension

A chrome extension that works as a pomodoro timer and a to-do list to help you get your work done with more focus.

Projects Tinder App

A App to find sponser, collaborator for your project with a

Algo Visualizers

A hybrid chat app made with Flutter and Firebase with End to End AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) method using Firebase.

Safe Chat App

A hybrid chat app made with Flutter and Firebase with End to End AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) method using Firebase.

More Projects



Creat Your first Chrome Extension

If you’re thinking about building your own Chrome extension, here is a guide for you to build some cool chrome extension

Understanding Software Engineering

This is a breif guide on software engineering process in wich we talk about things like different software development models.

Docker Cheat Sheet

Docker is an open source containerization platform and this cheat sheet contains some of commands and steps to get you started with it.

Git & GitHub Cheat Sheet

Git is a version control tool (software) to track the changes in the source code, this cheat sheet contains the most important and often used Git commands.

MarkDown Cheat Sheet

This Markdown cheat sheet provides a quick overview of all the Markdown syntax elements.

Python Roadmap

This blog on How To Become A Python Developer is a comprehensive guide on the road map of learning Python and implementing its concepts.

Read more blogs



Ankush Singh Gandhi

Open Source Contributor


March 2021 - May 2021

  • With the help of over 20 young developers, the SFC foundation's website was built from the ground up as part of Girlscript's summer of code.
  • Working on this project was a blast, and I met a lot of new individuals. I was able to help many students get started with opensource by organizing virtual meetups to teach git and GitHub.
  • In the end, it was well worth it. We were able to remove the existing WordPress website in only three months.


    Ankush Singh Gandhi

    Founder & Mentor


    Feb 2020 - Present

  • CodeVisors is a tech enthusiast-led network and organisation that focuses on fostering cooperation among members of the tech community. The community's goal is to promote communication and technical competence in a welcoming and open atmosphere.

  • This community is specifically for developers and programmers so that they may find a decent and pleasant place to work, show off their works, meet other people who share their interests, cooperate with other developers, and enjoy a pleasant coding environment. With other developers, you may communicate, build projects, or make some connections. People who are not developers are welcome to join us since they will have a place to relax, meet new friends, and contribute to the enjoyment of the community.

  • Join Discord to chat in channels ranging from databases to public speaking and hackathons in an inclusive, safe, and supportive environment. And, by opening an issue in our Support repo under the "Invite me to GitHub" label, you may join the CodeVisors GitHub organisation to collaborate on interesting projects and enhance your discoverability.
  • Join Discord Server.

    Ankush Singh Gandhi

    Hackathon Mentor


    Jan 2022 - Feb 2022

  • We-Accinge (W-Accinge) a Hackathon of Usha Mittal Institute of Technology. A collaborative effort of GDSC, IEEE, CodeChef, CSI, WIE, ACM, E-Cell UMIT, and Postman Student Chapter.
  • Mentored 7 teams with 4 participants in each team.
  • Graded projects submitted by participants according to their uniqueness, conciseness, and clarity.
  • Talked to participants regarding their Projects.
  • Enabled young coders to understand the basics of Git, GitHub's basic commands like clone, add, commit, push, etc.
  • Ankush Singh Gandhi

    Mentor - Hacktoberfest'21


    Oct 2021 - Oct 2021

  • Mentored 10+ developers in starting their Open Source journey.
  • Assisted several developers in advancing their careers in technology by assisting them in the creation of projects such as social media bots and Google Chrome extensions.
  • This initiative was highlighted by the official GitHub community.
  • Introduced Students to Hacktoberfest, its rules, pre-requisites, etc.
  • Enabled young coders to understand the basics of Git, GitHub's basic commands like clone, add, commit, push, etc.
  • Ankush Singh Gandhi

    Community Partner

    Hack this Fall

    Oct 2021 - Oct 2021

  • We are a team of 32 community partners with a mindset of encouraging new hackers to build unique projects regardless of the tech or field.
  • we are aiming to promote hackers and help them nurture their new ideas and prototypes in various domains. Our motto is also to involve more beginner hackers and support everyone to solve the shared problems of our society, to bring a change in a positive way.
  • We are focused on creating learning opportunities for attendees while they Build & Solve. We will talk about various technologies, create awareness, encourage others, hack to contribute, and participate in many more exciting events & sessions.
  • Ankush Singh Gandhi

    Hack Ambasador

    Hack The Mountains

    April 2021 - June 2021

  • HACK THE MOUNTAINS 2.O a 36 hour virtual Hackathon by the First ever Tech community from Jammu And Kashmir “SUDAN’S TECH ” - by the students and for the students.
  • SUDAN'S TECH is a Non profit Organization registered under government of India under section - 8 company rules which provides technical education to students. Their main focus is to provide technical education and make students industry ready.
  • Want me to speak at your event ?

    Just drop a mail.



    Need someone who can build cool apps for you?

    I'm most active on Twitter, but feel free to shoot me an email as well!

    45 minutes career consultation at $15 USD / $18 CAD, Here's my Calendly.

    If you like my work, you can buy me a cofee here
    Copyright © Ankush Singh Gandhi 2021. All rights reserved.